
5 Questions for Every Dad

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

What Makes Dad Special

Spurgeon Fatherhood


"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."

– Billy Graham

“No matter what happens to me, always give your mother the highest respect.” Elder Bruce Shanks quoting his father.

“My dad was an engineer who worked to provide for his family, came home and worked for his family and took his family to church every week. He didn’t give me great quotes to repeat, but he did give me a great example to follow.”

Pastor Bob Jolly

“Anything worth doing right is worth doing right the first time.” Elder Frankie Estell quoting his father, George Estell, Sr.

“Working hard may get you what you want, but lazy will get you nothing.” Middle School Pastor, Brian Weaver, quoting his father.

“My father pointed me to Jesus for salvation and he modeled for me humility, integrity, and faithfulness before God.” Discipleship Pastor, Cole Wilkins 

“I’ve never attended a wedding or funeral I regret, but I have skipped a few I regret.” Elder Tim Hearn, quoting his father who was a minister.

“If you can’t make a living in six days you’ve probably got the wrong job.” Elder Bill McIver’s father’s admonition if Bill worked on a Sunday

“Get in the ballgame, son! You’re way out in left field.” Evangelism/Mission Pastor Michael O’Neal quoting his father when Michael wasn’t focused

“When I neglected duty, responsibility or homework, dad (who struggled early but eventually earned advanced degrees) would say, ‘Go swing from a tree like a monkey, like me.’ That always got my attention.” Elder Greg Smith

“When I told my dad ‘everyone else is doing it’ he would reply, ‘if everyone else was jumping off the Mississippi Bridge, would you?’” Children’s Ministry Director, Laura Nixon

“The first 10% goes to God.” Sr. Adult Ministry Director, Rick Kuter quoting his father

“My father wasn’t much of a talker but he modeled a lot without saying much. I often ask my kids, ‘What do we value?’ to help them focus on family values rather than themselves.” Worship Arts Director, Bryan Isbell

“My student minister when I was a youth told me his goal was to be a hero to children.” Student Minister Pastor, Scott Carpenter

A Prayer for Fathers

Dear Father in Heaven. You are the Creator-Father of all people. You have created us, male and female, in your image.  You are a good Father. You provide for every need. You understand every heart. You care for every one of us. You sent your first Son to die for all of your children. You raised Your Son from the grave proving your omnipotence and giving us hope for eternity.

We confess that we are not always a good father. Please work in our lives to help us love our children as you love us. Help us model for them a life of joy. Help us show them peace in the midst of trials. Help us be as patient with them as you are with us. Help us model kindness to all people. Help us show them goodness and faithfulness in all our relationships. Help us be gentle and self-controlled when we discipline or provide instruction.

Father, you have made us alive through your Holy Spirit, help us walk daily as fathers in the fruit of your Spirit. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen